Good news is only good because the other news isn’t good. It’s the contrast between light and darkness that makes us glad for everything that’s lit and bright and warm.
And the Bible is unsparingly honest about our real condition—about the bad news—of our lostness and our darkness. We got what we deserved: we reaped what we sowed. The news couldn’t get any worse. We were the people sitting in darkness.
But then a great light dawned.
The gospel of the Father’s unending, untiring affection for us is seen in everything Jesus did to bring us healing, joy, and abundance. “He who did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all, will He not also give us all things with Him?” (Rom 8:32).
Jesus is the proof of heaven’s favor, the certainty that we are still loved—have always been loved, will always be loved. In Him, we learn the news we didn’t know: that our lives can be free, and fun, and filled with meaning. “He is able to save completelythose who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them” (Heb 7:25). Grace headlines every day’s edition.
“Now there is nocondemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:1). “His life brought light to everyone” (John 1:4).
Enjoy the news. And stay in grace.