Press Release

From ‘The Great Disappointment’ to ‘The Great Appointment’

Special day will celebrate the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Tracey Bridcutt, Adventist Record
From ‘The Great Disappointment’ to ‘The Great Appointment’
[Image: Garth Tudor]

A South Pacific-wide program is planned for Sabbath, October 22, 2022, to celebrate the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

The special online program promises to be both interactive and engaging, with elements to appeal to the whole family, including uplifting music, a heritage play, a Pathfinder honor, and a Kahoot! challenge. It will air at 2 p.m. (Australia Eastern Time) live from Sunnyside, the historic former home of Ellen G. White in Cooranbong, New South Wales, Australia. 

October 22 has particular significance for Seventh-day Adventists, as it was on this date in 1844 that many Christians inaccurately predicted Jesus’ second coming. It was out of this “great disappointment” that the Seventh-day Adventist Church was born. Thus, the upcoming Sabbath program is entitled “The Great Appointment.”

“While Jesus did not come on that day in 1844, the promise is still there that He will soon return,” South Pacific Division (SPD) heritage director David Jones said. “Those pioneers in 1844 were heroes for God. Our theme for this special program is #heroes4God and we want to challenge our church to step up for God especially in a world that seems so out of control. We have no fear for the future when we look at our past and see how God has led. He has appointed us for these times!” he said. 

From “The Great Disappointment” to “The Great Appointment.” [Image: Garth Tudor]

“The program on Sabbath, October 22, will be a celebration of our heritage and the beginnings of our church. We are are encouraging churches to make a day of it by having a church lunch then tuning in all together. Some churches might like to ‘dress-up’ to celebrate their own beginnings,” Jones said.

During the program, the Australian Union Conference (AUC) ministerial association secretary Brendan Pratt will present a message entitled “Longing to Be With Jesus—Why October 22 Matters.”

“Making time to remember our story is an essential part of moving forward,” Pratt said. “We remember the passion, inspiration, and challenges that drove our founders and shaped the church we are part of today. It inspires us to play our part in God’s bigger story.”

The AUC will have sermon outlines available for local church pastors and elders to adapt for their use for the Sabbath morning service.

Leading into the Sabbath, on Friday, October 21, a Sabbath singalong with Sandra Entermann and friends will be live from Sunnyside at 7:30 p.m.

“The Great Appointment” will be available for viewing on the Adventist Heritage Centre and Adventist Media Facebook pages.

The original version of this story was posted on Adventist Record.

Tracey Bridcutt, Adventist Record
