Only Connection With God Can Overcome Global Rise in Evil
A pastoral letter and appeal from the Seventh-day Adventist world church president
Seventh-day Adventist Church World Headquarters Asks Employees Work Remotely Until March 30th as a Response to COVID-19 Pandemic
World Church leaders continue to ask for prayer for all those affected by virus
Special Call for Prayer Regarding the Coronavirus Covid-19 Worldwide Developments
GC Session plans are still in place, while world church leaders continue to monitor the situation
Amid Coronavirus Outbreak, Adventist Church President Calls for Prayers for China and the World
Ted N. C. Wilson calls for God’s healing power as the Master Physician to be exhibited.
Seventh-day Adventist Church Initiates Global Prayer Campaign #Pray4Burundi
Adventist World Church leaders ask all members to pray after union president arrested
Seventh-day Adventist World Church president writes letter to Adventist members in Burundi
Ted N.C. Wilson asks for prayers after union president Lamec Barishinga was arrested going to ECD Year-End Meetings
New Mission Program Coming to Hope Channel
Revival for Mission explores ways in which Adventists serve around the world