Self-supporting Ministries
Weaving together the foundations of faith and Adventist mission
Mission Is a Miracle
Reaching all requires all of us.
La Sierra University Virtual Mission Trip Offers Care and Hope in Guatemala
Despite restrictions and hurdles, students raise funds and send dozens of care packages.
Southwestern Adventist University Students Take Ignite Service Day to the Community
Texas, U.S.-based university students assemble for yearly campus-wide service event.
A School, a Church, and a Water Well
Maranatha Volunteer International’s visits transform Kenyan village for the better.
Adventist Family Raises Nearly US$500,000 for Those Impacted by COVID-19
Funds will support hospitality and service workers amid ongoing pandemic.
Annual Eye Camp Surgeries Restore Sight to Thousands in India
It Is Written–sponsored initiative offers a lifeline to many during the pandemic.
‘At 60, for the First Time, I Have Drunk Clean Water From a Well’
Maranatha Volunteers International shares some of the blessings received in Kenya during 2020.
In Romania, ADRA Recommits to Helping Victims of Domestic Violence
Operating license renewal guarantees ongoing care and support to women and children.
Grass Between His Toes
Maranatha is thankful to complete first international project in nine months.