Gospel and Life
One of the greatest doctrinal tragedies in the history of Christianity
Love Steps
Reflections on a disciplinary experience
“That They All May Be One”
In His John 17:21 prayer Jesus asked for the gift of unity among believers.
God’s Sovereignty in a Fragmented World
Why was all authority given to Jesus after His resurrection (Matt. 28:18)? Didn’t He have it before?
The Great Balance Between the Hard and the Soft
Understanding the Great Controversy metanarrative
Redemptive Perspective
Church discipline in Matthew 18
The Personhood and Divinity of the Holy Spirit
A biblical understanding of the identity and nature of the Holy Spirit
The Divine King
Why was the Israelite king called “son of God”?
How God Speaks to Us
Through His Word
The Seven Levels of Bible Study
Reaching the next level