In this issue we highlight a few statements about the subject of joy. We hope they will be a source of encouragement.—Editors.
No real joy can be found in the path forbidden by Him who knows what is best and who plans for the good of His creatures.
Steps to Christ, p. 46
It is [Christ’s] highest joy to have [the church] with Him to be partakers of His glory. Christ claims the privilege of having His church with Him.
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 10
The absence of joy is no evidence that a person is or is not sanctified.
The Sanctified Life, p. 10
Our heavenly Father does not close the avenues of joy to any of His creatures.
Steps to Christ, p. 46
Wherever [Jesus] went He carried rest and peace, joy and gladness.
Steps to Christ, p. 46
It was the joy of Christ in His humiliation and pain that His disciples should be glorified with Him.
The Desire of Ages, p. 624
The salvation of [humanity] was His joy.
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, p. 686
Light brings gladness and joy, and that joy is expressed in the life and the character.
The Seventh-day Adventist Bible Commentary, Ellen G. White Comments, vol. 5. p. 1144
Our joy should be in the work of saving souls.
Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 481
In the path of obedience and duty there is contentment and even joy.
Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p. 98
Even in this life we may catch glimpses of His presence and may taste the joy of communion with Heaven, but the fullness of its joy and blessing will be reached in the hereafter.
Patriarchs and Prophets, p. 602
[God] desired . . . that the earth should be filled with joy and peace.
Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 290
God is the source of life and light and joy to the universe.
Counsels on Stewardship, p. 23
In order to have perfect health our hearts must be filled with hope and love and joy.
Counsels on Health, p. 587
Heaven is all joy.
The Adventist Home, p. 430
In Christ is fullness of joy forevermore.
Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 390
The purest joy springs from the deepest humiliation.
The Acts of the Apostles, p. 319
Christ dwelling in the soul is a wellspring of joy.
Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 162
Words cannot describe the peace and joy possessed by [those] who [take] God at His word.
Messages to Young People, p. 98