Transformation Tips

Invisiality: Partnering With Heaven

God governs the universe, guides His church and prepares His people.

Delbert W. Baker

Longfellow wrote: “The sky is filled with stars, invisible by day.” Therefore, we can say that multitudinous things are all around us that are just not visible.

Life may be broadly divided into that which is visible and that which is invisible. We have reality, that which we can see, feel, and touch. Then there is what I will call “invisiality,” things not seen but nonetheless real. The apostle Paul wrote about this reality: “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal” (2 Cor. 4:18).

Invisiality is the ability to remain conscious of and cooperate with the vast invisible world in which God operates. In this realm God governs the universe, guides His church, and prepares His people for their entrance into eternity. So one of our great objectives is to be aware of this unseen world.

God governs the universe, guides His church, and prepares His people.

I serve in Africa, where the night sky is stunning with its clear, crisp, starry displays. Being fascinated with astronomy, I seek to identify the various constellations. Recently, after installing the Sky Guide app, the heavens instantaneously came alive with shadowy shapes that identified hundreds of constellations. From seeing stars only, with access to the app I was bedazzled with hundreds of luminaries. My reality figuratively changed to invisiality.

In the Bible Elisha and his servant were surrounded with a menacing Syrian army that offered apparently no way of escape. Operating in earth reality the terrified servant confronted Elisha with the question: “What shall we do?”

Elisha, operating in heavenly invisiality, confidently responded, “Don’t be afraid.” Elisha prayed that his servant might see the unseen, reality to invisiality. Immediately his servant saw protecting angels, now visible, and was at peace (2 Kings 6:15-17).

How can we live in the invisiality of heaven? Ellen White wrote: “With eternal realities in view we will habitually cultivate thoughts of the presence of God. This will be a shield against the incoming of the enemy; it will give strength and assurance, and lift the soul above fear. Breathing in the atmosphere of heaven, we will not be breathing the malaria of the world.”*

The challenge is to MATCH ourselves with God’s invisible divine agencies. Check yourself on the following:

M — Mind-set Required: Fully commit to God each day (1 Cor. 15:31).

A — Activation Enabled: Seek God, resist Satan, use spiritual armor (Jer. 29:13; Eph. 6:10-18).

T — Tools Utilized: Practice effectual prayer, godly wisdom, loving deeds, and pure life (James 3:17, 18; Isa. 11:2).

C — Craving Satisfied: Obtain secret of righteous, divine intimacy, life purpose (Ps. 25:14; 91:1).

H — Hedges Protected: Consciously enter protective circle of providence; be hearers and doers of the Word (Job 1:8, 10; Ps. 34:7).

The more we cooperate with heaven, the deeper will be our love and commitment to Christ and the Word of God.

As outlined in Psalm 91, this connection with God’s invisiality brings with it a partnership with the Holy Spirit, and the love, care, and protection of heaven. This dynamic interrelationship results in victorious living. Invisiality will blossom into face-to-face communion with heavenly inhabitants in the new earth.

* Ellen G. White, Our High Calling (Washington, D.C.: Review and Herald Pub. Assn., 1961), p. 285.

Delbert W. Baker is vice chancellor of Adventist University of Africa near Nairobi, Kenya.

Delbert W. Baker
