Memory Gem: “You should know that you yourselves are God’s temple. God’s Spirit lives in you. If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him, because God’s temple is holy. You yourselves are God’s temple” (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17, ICB).
Katrina Foster, do you know what time it is? Go to bed NOW!” demanded Mother.
“I’ll go soon, but I just have tofinish my project. Don’t worry; I’ll be fine,” replied Katrina, reassuring Mother.
“Oh, my dear, I’m worried about you. You’re destroying your health!” said Mother anxiously.
“I’m OK,” Katrina said.
“Can’t you start your project earlier? You have the whole afternoon to do it, but you spend too much time on Instagram and texting with friends,” Mother said impatiently.
“I’m fine, Mom! Mothers worry for nothing!” snorted Katrina. Weeks passed and Katrina was caught falling asleep in class several times. She fell asleep four times in one week. Her teacher, Mrs. Bouchett, was concerned.
“Mrs. Foster, you really need to monitor Katrina’s sleep hours,” Mrs. Bouchett told Katrina’s mother. “She fell asleep four times this week alone! She was grouchy, and snapped at her classmates often.”
“OK, I’ll try to work with Katrina on this,” Mother reassured the teacher.
“Katrina, I’m greatly disappointed with your teacher’s report about you,” exclaimed Mother sadly. “Do you know that your body is the temple of God? If you destroy it by sleeping only three or four hours a night, you’ll lose energy and power to think,” said Mother.
“I’m sorry, Mom. I’ll try to get to sleep earlier. Please pray for me,” begged Katrina.
“Yes, we need to ask Jesus to help you plan your day properly. You can finish your homework and still have time for your friends. I’m taking away your cell phone every night before bedtime,” said Mother adamantly.
“You can’t do that!” demanded Katrina. “I guess I have no choice, right?”
“You’re absolutely right!” replied Mother with a smile.
• Why did Paul say that our body is the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3)?
• Why is a lack of sleep not good for our bodies?
• Why is God concerned about the health of His children?
• Make a daily schedule of your activities after school and follow through.
• With the help of your parents, plan a one-week menu with nutritious foods.