Witnessing for Introverts

Props at the Fair

Lori Futcher
Props at the Fair

We weren’t at the state fair to witness. At least that wasn’t what was on my agenda. 

Our friends Steve and Dawn Creitz had invited us to join them so our girls could enjoy carnival rides while the grown-ups checked out other aspects of the fair.

My husband and I went to watch the livestock judging, while Steve and Dawn went to the arts-and-crafts building to see if their creations had received any ribbons. 

As Steve neared the area where his painting The King’s Madness was hanging, he noticed a group of young people enjoying the art on display. The young man seemed to be trying to impress his three female friends by expounding on the design and meaning he saw in the different pieces. 

The King’s Madness by artist Steve Creitz [Courtesy of Steve Creitz/prophecyart.com]

“Wow, impressive!” Steve remarked to the young man. “What about that painting?” He pointed to his piece depicting King Nebuchadnezzar as described in Daniel 4.

“That’s probably Jesus as a prisoner.” The young man seemed quite certain.

Steve encouraged him to look a little closer. “What do you notice?”

“Wicked long nails!” one of the girls blurted.

“And a heavy chain,” another chimed in.

Pointing out the absence of whip marks, Steve commented, “Though his hair is long and matted, and he is gaunt, this man has not been tortured.” 

The group of friends looked deeply puzzled. 

“Who do you think it is?” The young man asked.

“The iron-bound stump is the key, but to explain it I have to go back several years in the story,” Steve replied. With that, he was in full storytelling mode, sharing the story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s pride, his downfall and restoration, and ultimately his words of praise to the Lord of lords.

As the story concluded, the four young people gazed at the painting with a newfound appreciation—not for the art itself, but for the Bible story they had just learned. 

Later as we gathered at our meeting spot, Steve excitedly shared his experience with the four young people. 

Barely had he finished his story when Dawn jumped in. “Then while we were looking at booths, a woman told me she really liked my shirt. I said, ‘Thank you. My husband designed it. It says, “Jesus is coming” in 65 languages.’”

The woman had replied, “I really believe that!” And the two engaged in a short conversation about Christ’s soon return.

As I reflected on our experience at the fair, it occurred to me that Steve and Dawn had also not gone to the fair planning on witnessing, but they were prepared with props and ready to speak when these props opened the door. 

For those of us who have a hard time knowing how to start a conversation, this is a technique we can use. We can display spiritual artwork or wear a shirt with a spiritual message, then pray and wait for the Holy Spirit to open the door.

If you would like to order the props described in this story, you can find them at prophecyart.com. 

Lori Futcher writes from Nampa, Idaho.

Lori Futcher
