How Can We Grow Our Churches Spiritually?
Become church planters!
Keeping the Sabbath in Ancient Israel
Did all the Israelites come to the temple during the Sabbath to worship the Lord?
Asking God for More
The church I want to belong to is . . . mission-minded.
From Everywhere to Everywhere
God’s mission vision exists for all.
Seventy-five Years Later, Adventists Remember Auschwitz Liberation
Some Adventists protected Jews, and some ended up in death camps.
Warming Hearts With Ice
"While some do nice things with strings attached, he does them without any.”
A Walk in the Park
Irina, 70 (on the left in the above photo), is active in sports. Valentina, 69, is a member of the church who supports the ministry.
A Mind for Mission
When mission multiplies, God’s church will grow.
Want to Change Your Life?
Consider Adventist Volunteer Service.
Kicked Out of Church!
“Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love him” (James 1:12).