A Sure Foundation
“The Seventh-day Adventist Church is God’s remnant church; it is a unique Advent movement with a unique message on a unique mission.”
Missionaries Still Go!
Missionaries still hear God’s call
The Advent Message to All the World
A brief history of the Adventist missionary enterprise (1)
Seventh-Day Adventist Hospitals
Are they really making a positive difference?
“In These Last Days”
How do we make friends and influence people regarding who Seventh-day Adventists are and what they believe?
A Message for the Haves and the Have-nots
Everyone can help their neighbors tackle the current economic crisis.
No Elite Spiritual Club
What’s the link between the remnant and God’s mission?
Sharing With Passion and Joy
A church plant turned missionary training center
Pig Valve Implants
Are they appropriate for Adventists?