Where Ministry and Mission Intersect
André Rodrigues shares what he learned in the mission field and why he plans to return.
Holbrook Indian School Mourns Loss of Student in Bus Accident
Kiarra Alma Gordon, 17, was killed and six others injured during a field trip.
A God of Encounters
A young adult’s take on the Encounters series
Let’s Talk
A new Adventist-produced television series, Encounters, is primed to make a global impact.
Leaders Ask Lay Members to ‘Shine the Light of the Gospel’
Inter-American Division event marked the first gathering of its kind in 12 years.
Amazon Project Fosters College Students’ Sense of Service
In isolated community, students did repairs, gave presentations, and assisted residents.
Almost 1,000 Are Baptized Throughout Fiji in One Month
July baptisms add to the more than 500 who had committed to Jesus since January.
Baptisms at Aboriginal College Highlight Spiritual Focus
In Australia, school leaders say emphasis on Jesus and prayer are making a difference.
General Conference Session Delegates Recognize Retirees
Leaders celebrated their dedication and a combined 1,383 years of service.