The Cost of Being a Disciple (Thursday)
By finding the hidden treasure or pearl of great value, you can find what your inner being desires the most—a renewed heart that becomes loyal to God.
Making Disciples (Wednesday)
As disciples, we are called to make space for transformation, the work the Holy Spirit is doing in our lives.
Living as a Disciple (Tuesday)
Your knowledge of God cannot be private. It has to bless others.
Growing as a Disciple Of Jesus (Monday)
Experiencing His Presence
What Is a Disciple? (Sunday)
A disciple is a person who in every way is becoming more like Jesus.
I Will Go Make Disciples (First Sabbath)
Discipleship and the Mission of the Church
When we have been with Jesus, we are then ready to accept His call to go and make disciples.
The Three Angels’ Messages and the Mission of the Church
God calls us to go.
A Loving Warning From God
The third angel’s message
A Part That Remains
Second Sabbath