Fighting Livestock Starvation and Managing Pasturelands in the Steppes
ADRA Mongolia secures additional funding, keeps exceptionally active during the pandemic in 2021.
Mongolian Adventists Connect for First-Ever Online Camp Meeting
Activities included seminars for all ages, a talk show, a movie, kids’ time, and exercise.
Many Reasons to Praise the Lord at Year-End Meetings
Northern Asia-Pacific Adventist leaders say there is a lot to be thankful for in 2021.
Adventists Pray for God to Open Doors to the Gospel in North Korea
Leaders and church members gather near the Korean Demilitarized Zone to pray.
Unreasonable Tears
God can take our frustrations, anger, and tears— whether we have good reason for our feelings or whether we think our reasons are trivial.
Public Campus Ministry Makes a Difference in the ‘Silicon Valley of Taiwan’
Young Korean missionaries are reaching out to secular campuses with visible results.
Creation Displays Help Students Get to Know Their Creator
In the Northern Asia-Pacific Division, every Adventist school now has a space to highlight creation.
Building Gers for Eternity
Adventist missionary in Mongolia reflects on a masterpiece of design and assembly.
Japanese Adventist Opens a Fun and Safe Space for Kids in Tokyo
Each person who walks through the door is a blessing, supporters say.
How a Local Church in Japan Switched to Online Evangelism
Kagoshima Seventh-day Adventist Church shares what they tried and how it worked.