North American Division Votes US$10 Million COVID-19 Stimulus Package
Money will assist church entities and organizations to keep providing critically-needed services.
Adventist Leaders Agree on Concrete Steps to Prevent, Treat Sexual Abuse
Church region leaders work on developing protocols for supporting victims, dealing with perpetrators.
Adventist Leaders Move Toward Greater Compliance With Core Governance Policies
At Spring Meeting, leaders report and vote measures to reduce noncompliance levels.
NAD Leadership Provides Guidance on Government Funding Assistance Due to COVID-19 Crisis
Leadership recommends that church entities abstain from participation
Postponed General Conference Session to Focus on Mission and Business Meetings
Adventists from all over the world are welcome to join the 2021 General Conference Session
“In view of the present uncertainty”: Postponing General Conference Sessions
This will be the fifth time that a General Conference session has been postponed, and the second time that more than five years elapses between sessions.
Adventist Leaders Discuss Options for the Upcoming General Conference Session
Executive Committee to meet on March 19 to consider recommendation
In the South Pacific, Leaders Realign Structure to Improve Disciple Making
Changes are expected to avoid duplication of roles, strengthen mission initiatives.
In South America, Adventist Church Reins In Costs to Ramp Up Evangelism
Measures result from regional uncertainty, decrease in tithes calculated in US dollars.
North American Division Discusses Its Journey to Financial Parity
The initiative is not a retaliation against recent actions of the world church, NAD leaders say.