The School, the Church, and Scores of Jars of Applesauce
Native school and Adventist congregation are partners in health initiative.
In the United Kingdom, Lockdown Increases Pathfinders’ E-Honors Offerings
Podcasting and Media Broadcast Ministry are among the latest options.
Un aumento de posibilidades
Un diálogo por videoconferencia involucró a líderes, abogados y miembros de iglesia.
En Cuba, la Iglesia Adventista celebra la llegada de un cargamento “caído del cielo” durante la pandemia
Una respuesta internacional ayuda a sortear la falta de papel en la isla.
Adventist Church Receives Land Title After 33 Years
In Papua New Guinea, church leaders commit to develop the land “for the benefit of all.”
Stories of Faithful Givers
Adventists in North America share their experiences giving in a time of need.
Expanding Possibilities
Video conference discussion involved church leaders, advocates, and members.
In Cuba, Adventist Church Celebrates ‘God-sent’ Shipment During the Pandemic
An international response helps circumvent a paper shortage across the island.
Children’s Sabbath Schools Get Creative With Online Lessons
“I do it all for the love of my kids,” one teacher says.
Church After COVID-19: What Will It Look Like?
In the South Pacific, Adventists discuss how to do church moving forward.