100 días de oración dan nacimiento a una cadena de oración de jóvenes
Por toda la región de Asia Pacífico Sur, los jóvenes adventistas se están reuniendo para orar.
Refugee Children’s Summer Camp Leads to Community Sewing Class
Adventists are helping Muslim immigrant and refugee women to learn skills and earn income.
Escuela de verano de niños refugiados lleva a clase de costura comunitaria
Los adventistas están ayudando a inmigrantes musulmanes y a mujeres refugiadas a aprender habilidades y obtener ingresos.
100 Days of Prayer Gives Birth to Youth Prayer Network
Across the Southern Asia-Pacific region, Adventist young people are gathering to pray.
24-Hour Prayer Relay Caps 100 Days of Prayer Across Inter-America
Members in 24 church regions share testimonies, Bible readings, and music.
Hundreds of Minneapolis Adventist Youth March for Justice and Healing
Young church members and regional leaders join forces to call for justice.
New Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists Is Now Online
The new resource tells the story of Adventists as never before, project coordinators believe.
The County Council, a Synagogue, the Rotary Club, and an Indian Restaurant
In England, Adventist member’s idea triggers an unlikely partnership that is feeding thousands.
Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries Cancels 2020 Convention
Organizers said a virtual option will replace the original event slated for July 29-August 1.
First Seventh-day Adventist Church in Brazil Turns 125
Celebration included launch of the congregation’s website, a source of Adventist history.